We will be updating the site with a number of new areas to provide you with links to the area.
In the meantime some essential links and local traders can be found here.
Pokesdown Facebook Page
Bournemouth Borough Council
Dorset Police Safer Neighbourhood Team (covering Pokesdown
A reminder that you can now email your 101 incidents to: 101@dorset.pnn.police.uk
Give as much information of the incident/crime as possible, and include your own details.
First name
Second name
Date of birth
Home address, with postcode
Contact phone numbers (home / work / mobile)
Provide Information or Give Us Some Feedback
A message from the Chief Constable:
Your MP Tobias Ellwood
Your Local Councillors
Councillor surgeries provide an opportunity for you to meet your ward councillors in person and to discuss local issues. The Boscombe East Team meets at Pokesdown & Southbourne library on the last Saturday morning of the month between 10 and 1130 (except August and December).
Your local councillors are:
Chris Rochester christopher.rochester@bournemouth.gov.uk 01202 432690/07860 343250
Andy Jones andy.jones@bournemouth.gov.uk 07825 718120 and
Gina Mackin gina.mackin@bournemouth.gov.uk 01202 786693

Other Websites